Dear Friends,
As a non-profit dance organization, getting back to doing what we do best means getting back to the excitement of the studio, school classrooms, and theater spaces. The arts don't exist in a void, so it is deeply meaningful for us to be able to share our gifts with the community again. This requires a good deal of rebuilding. We are building relationships with new dancers, teachers, schools, and creative collaborators. After such an unsettling time, everything takes just a bit more effort than usual. And, of course, a bit more funding to make things move forward.
This is where you make your entrance! You can take center stage by recognizing the importance of the arts in our daily lives. You can make it happen by supporting our efforts, while knowing that any amount you give will be used for creation, education and performance. I ask you to consider shining your light on Malashock Dance, so we can keep our important work in focus.
With Gratitude,
John Malashock, Artistic Director
Molly Puryear, Executive Director
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Malashock Dance is a 501(c)3 non-profit EIN 33-0394537. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent of the law.